Thursday, October 27, 2016

Weaving - Popsicle Stick Looms

I do weaving with my grade 3 students, and while I love weaving and fibers, the part where you take the weaving off the loom and tie knots in the warp threads about does me in with 160 kids - many of whom don't know how to tie knots.

An art teacher friend of mine, Mrs. Hockenberry of Lake Local Schools posted photos of cute lanterns her students made, and part of the lantern was a weaving on Popsicle stick looms. I tried the project out last summer with my Stark State Kids College classes, and decided to do it during the school year.

7 sticks
Wood glue
Make the square frame first
Optional: Decorate with Sharpies

I also finally figured out a yarn dispensing system that keeps me sane. I precut a slew of colors and wear them around my neck while I teach. When a student needs more yarn, I pull off the color they need quickly.

Fibers rawk.

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