Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Dot Day 2014: coLAR Mix App

This is worth checking out if you have access to iPads or tablets for your art classes.  I borrowed one iPad per table from our third grade class set at Avondale and loaded the coLAR Mix app on each. There are a bunch of different papers the app has available - we used the one specifically for Dot Day.  I did a quick demonstration of how to use the app -- first, design and color your dot (stay inside the circle), then open the app and open the picture taking part of it.  If you keep the colored paper in view, the paper appears blue, announces it's processing, and then you are in business.  You can change the view to multiples or a few versions of 3D. The kids figured out extra tricks too (getting down quite low, holding the iPad at a certain angle to get more "planets," how to get their hand AS part of the dot, etc.).

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